The future of medicine has arrived for our patients today. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) cell therapy is an innovative, safe process that grows hair using your body’s own cells. We’re the only facility in Northwest Ohio that will be offering this unique hair growth treatment for men and women.

Platelet derived human growth factors contain TGF beta and vascular endothelial growth factors. Their main function is to stimulate cell replication and stem cells, which are then turned on to grow hair cells. This new technology is totally safe, FDA cleared for soft tissue injection, and the results have been very promising.

Blood will be drawn on your first visit, similar to a normal blood test. The growth factors and PRP are separated in our lab and then injected into the thinning and balding area, after anesthetizing your scalp. This normally takes around a half hour for the procedure and the hair growth is typically seen at three months.

Using your blood’s own platelet rich plasma, this technique represents an incredible breakthrough in aesthetic medicine. Please call today to schedule a private consultation to determine if you are a candidate for this treatment.

For more information, click here!

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.