Abdominoplasty Surgeon in Beachwood, OH serving Cleveland

If you’ve reached your ideal body weight through diet and exercise but you still have an excess of skin and fat in your abdominal area that just won’t go away, you may be a good candidate for abdominoplasty. Also known as a tummy tuck, our abdominoplasty procedure in Beachwood, OH is designed to help you achieve a tighter, more toned abdomen.


Fight Back Against Stubborn Fat

There are many reasons why our Beachwood, OH patients seek out abdominoplasty, but most commonly, those dissatisfied with their appearance in the abdominal area have experienced:

  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Loss of elasticity in the skin
  • Sudden or extreme weight loss

If you’re unhappy with the way your stomach looks, we invite you to visit our office for a consultation to discuss abdominoplasty. You deserve to feel better about the way you look, so don’t delay: Call to schedule an appointment today.